Easy Chicken Pizza Recipe

An Italian favorite, this chicken pizza recipe is a delicious mix of flat bread or base topped with cheese, chillies, onion, garlic sauce, and chunks of chicken. Tossed to perfection, this quick and easy pizza recipe is the solution to all those chicken and cheese cravings. Perfect for those movie nights or parties at home.

Total Cook Time

40 mins 10 seconds

Prep Time

10 mins 10 seconds

Cook Time

30 mins




1 Tbsp Chili or sunflower oil

2 Boneless and skinless chicken breasts (cut into 1/2-inch pieces)

1 tsp root ginger (grated), peeled

3-4 Garlic cloves, finely chopped

4-5 tbsp Pasta sauce or 2 tomatoes (chopped and blended)

1 tbsp Chili and garlic sauce

1 tsp Soy sauce

1/4 tsp Chili powder

1 Readymade pizza base or a garlic pizza flatbread, 10-12 inches in diameter

1/2 Red onion, sliced

30 gram Cheddar cheese, grated

A small handful of fresh coriander leaves, chopped


  1. Preheat the oven to 200C.
  2. Heat the oil on medium heat in a frying pan or wok. Add the chicken and fry for 8 to 10 minutes.
  3. Tip in the ginger and garlic and mix for a couple of minutes. Stir in the pasta sauce or tomatoes and soy sauce. Mix in the chili powder.
  4. Spoon the mixture onto the pizza base. Sprinkle with the onion and cheese.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes until the cheese has melted. Serve hot.
  6. Garnish the chicken pizza with chopped coriander leaves.

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