Basic Chicken Soup

Everyone has their own favorite chicken soup recipe, but rarely has so few ingredients added up to so much comfort. This version has classic flavors and, thanks to a simplified method, cooks more quickly than traditional chicken soups (the dish is ready in a little over an hour). There's no need to make a separate stock; the vegetables and meat form their satisfying broth.




1 whole chicken (about 4 pounds), cut into pieces (including back)

8 cups water

Coarse salt

3 medium onions, thinly sliced (4 cups)

2 celery stalks, sliced crosswise 1/4 inch thick

4 garlic cloves, crushed

6 medium carrots, sliced 1/2 inch thick


  1. Bring chicken, water, and 1 tablespoon salt to a boil in a large stockpot. Skim foam. Add onions, celery, and garlic. Reduce heat. Simmer, partially covered, for 30 minutes.
  2. Remove breast, and set aside. Add carrots. Simmer, partially covered, for 40 minutes.
  3. Remove remaining chicken; discard back and wings. Let cool slightly. Remove meat from bones, and cut it into bite-size pieces.
  4. Stir in the desired amount of chicken; reserve the rest for another use. Skim fat. Season with salt.

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